Frogans Tutorial: Dynamic Content in Frogans Slides with PHP

ECV Digital is graduate school for Web and digital jobs. Their blog article provides insights on the  benefits of using Frogans technology for graphic designers. After basics about Frogans technology as a whole, the article digs into some details about FSDL (Frogans Slide Description Language), the language used to create Frogans sites. It highlights how FSDL can help graphic designers be even more creative.

Frogans : une technologie de création de sites au service des graphistes ?

Quick recap of FSDL language elements and attributes. For the recall, FSDL (Frogans Slide Description Language) is the language used to design Frogans sites.

frogans*fsdlreminder allows you to browse the main elements and attributes of the FSDL language, on a small Frogans site that mimetics the aspect of a book. You can conveniently have it in a corner of your screen while you develop your Frogans site.
